Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation

Issued quarterly (4 issues per year)

JAEC Annual Best Cited Paper Award

Announcement: 2019 JAEC Best Cited Paper Award

Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation (JAEC) has announced JAEC Annual Best Cited Paper Award for research and review articles of the JAEC. The purpose of this award is to recognize the best-cited paper published in the past three (03) years that attracts the most citations. The quantity and quality of citations of papers are based on data from ISI and/or Scopus and/or Google Scholar that tracks the paper since its first publication.

From 2017 to 2019, JAEC has published 64 research/review papers in 3 volumes and 10 issues. Top five papers with high quantity and quality of citations have been evaluated by the Award Selection Committee.

Now, it is our pleasure to announce that Winner of 2019 Best Cited Paper Award is the paper entitled "Computational cardiovascular flow analysis with the variational multiscale methods" which is published in Volume 3, issue 2, pp. 366-405, 2019 by the authors K Takizawa*, Y Bazilevs, TE Tezduyar, MC Hsu.

Congratulation on the 2019 Award Winner.

The 2020 Award will be announced in early April 2021

Award Certificate

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Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation (JAEC) is a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas, approaches, developments, and research projects in the area of advanced engineering and computation. It serves to facilitate the exchange of information between researchers and industry professionals. Multi-disciplinary topics that connect the core areas of advanced engineering and computation and its applications are also covered in this journal.

It also aims to promote and coordinate developments in the field of advanced engineering and computation. The international dimension is emphasized in order to foster international collaboration in advanced engineering and computation to meet the needs of broadening the applicability and scope of the current body of knowledge.

The journal provides a vehicle to help professionals, academics, researchers and policy makers working in fields relevant to advanced engineering and computation to disseminate information and to learn from each other's work.

JAEC publishes original research papers, review papers, case reports, technical notes and short communications. 

JAEC is a fully open access, single-blind peer reviewed, electronic and print, and a quarter-annual publication. Currently, Ton Duc Thang University is pleased to cover all publishing fees for the journal; as a result, authors do not have to pay any fees although their published papers are open to the reader.

JAEC publishes Open Access articles under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited.

Call for Papers
Research Article Open Access
Hsiao Yi Lee , Thinh Cong Tran , Sang Dang Ho
Page(s): 198-206 in Vol 8, No 4 (2024), Vol 8, Iss 4 (2024)
Time cited: 0

The recent improvements in picture quality have led to the need for new methods to create displays that meet more rigorous standards. While the screen market is mainly dominated by liquid crystal display (LCD) and light emitting diode (LED) technology, these technologies have downsides solvable via creating augmented electroluminescent screens. Utilizing sticky quantum dots (QDs) in the form of down transmuters facilitates creating screens featuring highly improved chroma clarity as well as range. As such, sticky nanocrystals prove a promising option when it comes to creating electroluminescent devices, providing a simple way to build high-quality displays. The QDs that emit light featuring significant fluorescent quantum output along with chroma clarity covering the entire visible spectrum, as well as significantly-bright singular-chroma LED apparatuses featuring extrinsic quantum proficiencies reaching 1.30%, 0.39%, 1.04%, and 2.10% respectively in the case of blue, red, orange, and green hues, saw the prospect of development. Additionally, white LEDs were created by combining QDs, achieving a color temperature of 5,300 K and over 80% color rendering index. The LED performance is also extensively evaluated, including color stability, and device efficiency, providing crucial data for the advancement of high-quality electroluminescent displays.

Research Article Open Access
Le Ba Nguyen , Quoc-Binh Nguyen , Ngoc Hong Tran
Page(s): 207-224 in Vol 8, No 4 (2024), Vol 8, Iss 4 (2024)
Time cited: 0

Cybersecurity is known today as one of the greatest challenges of the modern era. Among the various types of cyber attacks that threaten our security, the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is among some of the most common, effective, and well-recognized attack strategies. Since this form of attack is meant to disrupt the availability factor covertly, it can be detrimental to the targeted machines and difficult to be discovered. Because of that, there have been a number of approaches, as well as solutions that have been devised in order to detect it as accurately and efficiently as possible. Impressively, data mining methods have been employed to identify patterns of DDoS attacks from the computer network traffic. Nevertheless, the recent works’ results have not yet mentioned which factors of the computer network traffic play the most vital role in indicating the potential for true positive attacks. Additionally, with the Machine Learning approach, there are still ample opportunities to enhance the attack prediction accuracy of the detection model. As such, in this paper, we attempt to explore factors that would influence the classification result, and leverage a variety of Machine Learning algorithms, i.e. Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, and Multilayer Perceptron, for the purpose of improving the accuracy of data classification. The experiments were deployed using CICIDS2017 dataset and compared with the other related works on the same dataset. The experimental outcomes of our methodologies and analyses demonstrate some potential and effectiveness enhancement compared to previous works. Moreover, we analysized and concluded the insight of how side factors affect the attack identification result. The collected information from our analysis identifies dominant factors, and opens a new view for their hidden correlationship directly affecting the attack labeling.

Research Article Open Access
Hsin-Yi MA , Nguyen Doan Quoc Anh
Page(s): 225-232 in Vol 8, No 4 (2024), Vol 8, Iss 4 (2024)
Time cited: 0

Zinc oxide (ZnO) exhibits stable emission across blue, green, orange, and red wavelength regions, depending upon excitation energy and preparation conditions. It is possible to tune the ZnO luminescent bandgap by introducing metal dopants to generate extrinsic defects in its matrix. Leveraging this stable and tunable photo-luminescent characteristic, ZnO emerges as a promising candidate for luminescent materials, especially applicable in the realm of luminescent converted LEDs. Specifically, aluminum-doped ZnO (Al-doped ZnO) films exhibit commendable conductivity and transmittance, qualifying them as suitable candidates for transparent conducting oxide materials crucial in LEDs. This study presents a novel application of Al-doped ZnO films, synthesized through a cost-effective sol-gel method, as a converter layer in white LED technology. The research systematically explores the impact of varying Aldoped ZnO concentrations on the color properties and luminosity of the white LED, with the goal of identifying the optimal concentration to achieve enhanced LED lighting efficiency.

Research Article Open Access
Hakan Akkuş , Engin Özkan
Page(s): 233-244 in Vol 8, No 4 (2024), Vol 8, Iss 4 (2024)
Time cited: 0

In this study, we define the kQuasi Morgan-Voyce and k-Quasi MorganVoyce-Lucas sequences, and some terms of these sequences are given. We introduce the closed-form formulas that give the terms of these sequences. Also, we examine the characteristic equation and properties of these sequences. Then, we find the relations between the terms of the k-Quasi Morgan-Voyce and kQuasi Morgan-Voyce-Lucas sequences. Also, we give these sequences generating functions, summation formulas, etc. We present special relations between the positive index term and the negative index term of these sequences. In addition, we obtain the Binet formulas in two different ways. The first method is the classic one. The second method is obtained with the help of the generating functions of the sequences. Moreover, we calculate the special identities of these sequences like Cassini and Catalan. Finally, we examine the relations of the k-Quasi MorganVoyce sequence with the Fibonacci, Bronze Fibonacci, Pell, Balancing, Jacobsthal, Mersenne, Oresme sequences and k-Quasi Morgan-VoyceLucas sequence with the Lucas, Bronze Lucas, Pell-Lucas, Balancing-Lucas, Jacobsthal-Lucas, Mersenne-Lucas, Oresme-Lucas sequences, respectively. In addition, for special k values, these sequences are associated with the sequences in OEIS.

Research Article Open Access (6075 views since : Nov 30, 2017)
Filip Zatloukal , Jiri Znoj
Page(s): 153-161 in Vol 1, Iss 2 (2017)
Time cited: 0

This paper follows our previous research in which we made a basic experiment to find out if it is possible to detect malware by multiple PE header detection. The previous results show us that there is a considerable amount of malwares that connect themselves to another file. This paper summarizes our previous results, updates the results and also expands them by adding an optimization method and also by including the scan of another (specific) types of data.


Creative Commons License
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Research Article Open Access (3133 views since : Sep 30, 2019)
Du Dinh-Cong , Linh Vo-Van , Dung Nguyen-Quoc , Trung Nguyen-Thoi
Page(s): 452-463 in Vol 3, Iss 3 (2019)
Time cited: 0

Modal kinetic energy (MKE) feature has been mostly employed for optimal sensor layout strategies; nevertheless, little attention is paid to use the feature to the field of structural damage detection. The article presents the extensive applicability of MKE change ratio (MKECR), a good damage sensitive parameter, to damage localization and quantification of laminated composite beams. The formulation of the parameter is based on the closed-form of element MKE sensitivity. The performance of the offered damage detection method is numerically verified by a clamped-clamped composite beam and a two-span continuous composite beam with different hypothetical damage scenarios. The influence of incomplete mode shapes, various noise levels as well as damage magnitudes on damage prediction results are also investigated. The obtained results from these numerical examples indicate that the offered method reliably localize the actually damaged elements and approximately estimate their severities, even under incomplete measurements at a high noise level.

Creative Commons License
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited.


Research Article Open Access (3093 views since : Nov 30, 2017)
Thao Nguyen-Trang , Long Vu-Hoang , Trieu Nguyen-Thi , Ha Che-Ngoc
Page(s): 123-133 in Vol 1, Iss 2 (2017)
Time cited: 0

Tax consulting service is one of various professional consulting services and is interested to study by many researchers. Nevertheless, this issue has not been interested to research in Vietnam. This paper performs confirmatory factors analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) to identify the factors influencing the intentions of using tax consulting services of firms in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. Specifically, this paper finds that the intentions depend on the “attitude toward the behavior” and “replacement”. In addition, through Chi-square test, it can be proven that the intentions also depend on type of firms and whether they have ever used tax consulting service or not. Based on the obtained results, the discussion and recommendation are also proposed.

Creative Commons License
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Research Article Open Access (2942 views since : Jun 8, 2017)
Jaroslav Pokorny
Page(s): 04-17 in Vol 1, Iss 1 (2017)
Time cited: 0

Comparing graph databases with traditional,e.g., relational databases, some important database features are often missing there. Particularly, a graph database schema including integrity constraints is mostly not explicitly defined, also a conceptual modelling is not used. It is hard to check a consistency of the graph database, because almost no integrity constraints are defined or only their very simple representatives can be specified. In the paper, we discuss these issues and present current possibilities and challenges in graph database modelling. We focus also on integrity constraints modelling and propose functional dependencies between entity types, which reminds modelling functional dependencies known from relational databases. We show a number of examples of often cited GDBMSs and their approach to database schemas and ICs specification. Also a conceptual level of a graph database design is considered. We propose a sufficient conceptual model based on a binary variant of the ER model and show its relationship to a graph database model, i.e. a mapping conceptual schemas to database schemas. An alternative based on the conceptual functions called attributes is presented.


Creative Commons License
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Research Article Open Access (2845 views since : Dec 31, 2019)
Ravi Teja Velpula , Barsha Jain , Ha Quoc Thang Bui , Hieu Pham Trung Nguyen
Page(s): 551-588 in Vol 3, Iss 4 (2019)
Time cited: 0

III-nitride nanowire-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have been intensively studied as promising candidates for future lighting technologies. Compared to conventional GaN-based planar LEDs, III-nitride nanowire LEDs exhibit numerous advantages including greatly reduced dislocation densities, polarization fields, and quantum-conned Stark effect due to the effective lateral stress relaxation, promising high-efficiency full-color LEDs. Beside these advantages, however, several issues have been identified as the limiting factors for further enhancing the nanowire LED quantum efficiency and light output power. Some of the most probable causes have been identified as due to the lack of carrier confinement in the active region, non-uniform carrier distribution, electron overflow, and the nonradiative recombination along the nanowire lateral surfaces. Moreover, the presence of large surface states and defects contribute significantly to the carrier loss in nanowire LEDs. Consequently, reported nanowire LEDs show relatively low output power. Recently, III-nitride core-shell nanowire LED structures have been reported as the most efficient nanowire white LEDs with a record-high output power which is more than 500 times stronger than that of nanowire white LEDs without using core-shell structure. In this context, we will review the current status, challenges, and approaches for the high-performance IIInitride nanowire LEDs. More specifically, we will describe the current methods for the fabrication of nanowire structures including top-down and bottom-up approaches, followed by characteristics of III-nitride nanowire LEDs. We will then discuss the carrier dynamics and loss mechanism in nanowire LEDs. The typical designs for the enhanced performance of III-nitride nanowire LEDs will be presented next. The color-tunable nanowire LEDs with emission wavelengths in the visible spectrum and phosphor-free nanowire white LEDs will be finally discussed.

Creative Commons License
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited.

Research Article Open Access (2810 views since : Dec 31, 2019)
Faiza Zaamoune , Tidjani Menacer , René Lozi , Guanrong Chen
Page(s): 511-522 in Vol 3, Iss 4 (2019)
Time cited: 0

In this paper, hidden bifurcation routes to multiscroll chaotic attractors generated by saturated function series are explored. The method to nd such hidden bifurcation routes (HBR) depending upon two parameters is similar to the method introduced by Menacer, et al. (2016) for Chua multiscroll attractors. These HBR are characterized by the maximal range extension (MARE) of their attractors and coding the appearance order of the scrolls under the control of the two parameters. Moreover, these HDR have interesting symmetries with respect to the two parameters. The novelty that this article introduces, is firstly the paradigm of MARE and the formula giving their approximate value depending upon parameters p and q, which is linked to the size of the scrolls; secondly the coding of the HBR which is dened for the first time including the basic cell; and thirdly unearthing the symmetries of these routes, allowing to obtain their coding without any numerical computation.

Creative Commons License
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited.