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AL-khafaji, Aqeel, Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Sciences, The University of Babylon, 51002 Babylon, Iraq Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Sciences-Ibn Al-Haitham, The University of Baghdad, 10071 Baghdad, Iraq
Ali, Mahmoud Emad Aldin, Computer Engineering Department, Marwadi University, Rajkot, India (India)
Alouache, Ali, Centre des Techniques Spatiales, Algerian Space Agency, Arzew, Algeria. (Algeria)
Anh, Tuan Le, Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Viet Nam)
Arif, Md Zannatul, North china Electric Power University,Beijing China (China)
Armaghani, Danial Jahed, University of Malaya (Malaysia)
Azad, Md Samdani, Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Creative Technology, Chittagong. (Bangladesh)

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